Design Prototypes, Interface Systems, and Better Experiences

Imagine your app idea taking shape, not just as a concept but as a tangible, interactive design prototype. Get scalable UI design systems that help you grow with consistency all while working side-by-side with our design experts.

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Future-Proof Your Business with Design

Through our UX UI Design Prototyping Service, we've seen remarkable transformations. We help businesses open new lines of business, reduce operational costs, and deliver new value to customers. Move from inefficient, paper-laden processes to streamlined, digital workflows, that dramatically improve your efficiency. It all starts with a Prototype.

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UX UI Design and Design Systems
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Prototyping: Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop
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SaaS, Marketplace, and Web App Design
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Create a Better Business by Leveraging Design

Take the journey towards UX excellence. By harnessing the latest in UX UI design, you'll open doors to new possibilities and uncharted territories in your business. Ready for the next level?

Capure the Power of Exceptional Design

Make Ideas Come Alive On Screen

In a world where customer expectations are constantly evolving, sticking to outdated digital solutions can render your business obsolete.

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Clarity on Project Vision

Define the ultimate goal and vision of your project. Align stakeholders and ensure everyone is on the same page. All in a few days rather than months.

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Premium UX UI Design

Create a design that’s both beautiful and functional. Define how users will interact with your technology before a line of code is written.

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Interactive App Prototype

A custom, clickable model that provides a real-world experience of your product. Now you can test the prototype to ensure it meets user expectations and project goals.

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Strategic Project Plan

Your prototype, combined with a project plan, will guide your next steps as you get into development. This outline will ensure you move forward with confidence.


Fast, Rapid Design Prototyping for Innovative Companies

Shaping: The Foundation of Success

This is where we lay the groundwork for your project. It’s not just about discussions; it’s about discovery. We dive deep into your business's heart, exploring your vision, understanding your target audience, and mapping out the core user journey. This session is the cornerstone of your project, ensuring every step that follows is aligned with your unique business goals and user needs.

UX Wireframing & Workflow Design

Over these two days, your vision starts taking a tangible shape. Our wireframing process isn’t just about drawing boxes and lines; it’s about translating your ideas into a real value. Mid-fidelity designs add a layer of clarity, bridging the gap between abstract concepts and a concrete layout. This phase is crucial as it allows you to visualize the basic structure and flow of your digital solution, providing a clear preview of what’s to come.

Visual & Brand Integration + UI Design

Your brand is more than a logo or a color scheme; it’s your identity across all digital interactive elements. We meticulously integrate your brand elements, ensuring every color, every typeface, and every visual detail resonates with your brand’s voice. The transition to high-fidelity design begins, setting the stage for a design that’s not just functional but visually captivating.

Interactive Prototyping UX UI Design

These two days are where magic happens. Our UX designers focus on creating high-fidelity designs that are not just detailed but also intuitive and engaging. Every button, every transition, every element is crafted with the user in mind. This phase is about nailing the details that make your digital solution not just usable but delightful. It’s where we ensure that every interaction your user has with your product is memorable and meaningful.

Final Prototyping & HiFi Design Delivery

The culmination of a week's worth of dedication, expertise, and collaborative efforts. On this day, we deliver the high-fidelity designs and an interactive prototype. It’s not just a static image; it’s a clickable, engaging model of your final product. This prototype is your tool to gain real insight into how your users will interact with your solution, providing invaluable insights before development.

Hear it from others

At Helm, we understand the challenges you face as a business striving to improve operations and increase revenue. We work with companies who take calculated risks to create a better way.

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“The folks at Helm are great to work with and we are proud of the finished website.”

Ken N.

Partner at Touchstone
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"Outstanding company! Very professional and their work is excellent.
I high recommend them"

Ralph P.

CIO at Mobile Primary Care
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“They brought high caliber UX design expertise and insight to our project, and I couldn't possibly be more pleased.”

Jake W.

CTO at CSS Clinical
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“I would strongly their services to produce innovative, alluring, and highly-functional websites.”

Mark B.

VP at Seneca Holdings
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“With Helm's tailored design and development, we turned a unique idea into a thriving site. They got our vision, and together we've made a real impact.”

Gary W.

CEO at Product Peddlers
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Create Design Systems to Scale with Consistency

Our focus on user experience and design systems ensures that the solutions we provide are not just beautiful but also consistent across all customer interactions.

Everything You Need in
Under 2-weeks

From detailed feature discovery to an interactive prototype, you'll have a full suite of resources at your disposal, culminating in a final design package that's ready for implementation.

Bad Design and Poor UX is Slowing You Down.

Change is the only inevitable. If you're not upgrading and getting better - you're rotting.

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Obsolescence is Real

Expectations are constantly evolving, sticking to outdated digital solutions can render your business obsolete. The divide between you and your competitors will widen if you're not willing to act.

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Inefficient Spending

Investing in the wrong technology or can lead to a significant waste of resources. Without a clear design strategy, you risk pouring money into initiatives that don't align with your business goals or deliver a strong ROI.

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Change or Be Changed

New competitors emerge, offering high-tech solutions, easier interfaces, and better customer experiences. Time to level up your company and get a head

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Operational Friction and Waste

Relying on outdated systems or manual processes can lead to inefficiencies, slowing down your operations and affecting overall productivity. Not to mention the lack of visibility you have into these processes. Don't neglect these issues any longer.

Book a Call

Our UX UI Design Prototype Service is designed to guide you safely through the digital landscape, turning these fears into a roadmap for success. We're here to ensure that your journey towards digital transformation is secure, strategic, and successful.

Our Team is Ready

Frequently Asked Questions

You have questions and we have answers.

How long does it take to create a UX prototype?

It depends. How robust is your idea? The UX Design prototyping process typically ranges from a few days to a couple of weeks. The shorter the timeline the better. By keeping the timeline down, you can get the interactive prototype into people's hands and get to true learning.

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What is a UX prototype and why is it important for my business?

A UX prototype is an interactive model of a website or application. It's a clickable example of a product that you can learn from. It's crucial for visualizing the design, testing functionality, and gathering feedback before the full development, saving time and resources.

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What is the difference between a wireframe, a mockup, and a prototype?

Wireframes are like basic blueprints of an app. They're leveled-up UI diagrams that show outlines of the application without all the visual detail. Mockups are static design layouts of pages or application views. These typically have your brand look-and-feel and feels closer to the final product. Prototypes are interactive and simulate the user experience by allowing someone to click through an application and navigate key workflows.

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How does the UX prototyping process start?

It starts with understanding your business objectives, target audience, and desired functionalities. This is done in a formal workshop where stakeholders, designers, and product managers work through a series of structured exercises to explore and define the path forward.

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How does a prototype help in user testing?

Prototypes help in user testing by allowing a person to click around the application so that teams can learn about how to make it better. When you give someone an interface to use, you can observe how they act and gain insight.

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How can a UX prototype save costs in the long run?

UX Design and Prototyping saves costs because you don't have to write code to learn. You can present and refine ideas in faster cycles, ultimately finding issues before they're developed. They say that every every $1 invested in UX results in a return of $100

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How can I ensure my website is future-proof?

Using Design Systems helps with scalability and expanding your site as it grows. You should also use flexible architectures to assure the tech stays powerful in the long term. Also consider choosing technologies that are common so that if you have to go to another web developer there will be more of them available to you.

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Is it necessary to have a fully functional prototype?

Not always. The level of functionality depends on the purpose of the prototype, whether it's for user testing, stakeholder presentation, or internal review. Identifying key workflows is important in understanding what your prototype should do.

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How do I start creating a design system for my company?

Begin by auditing your existing products and digital experiences to identify common UI patterns and elements.  Collaborate with designers and developers to create reusable components and documents of how components should be used. Finally, make the system easy to use so that it's maintained and evolved over time. That's often the tricky part so be sure to assign advocates around the initiative.

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How realistic will a UX prototype look and feel?

Prototypes will have the visual look of the end product while some of the detailed interactions will be left off. It's paramount to create a prototype using the fidelity that allows you to learn the fastest. Creating a prototype for futuristic vision of your company? Make it shine with all the details. Prototyping an MVP? Keep it lean and don't get too wild with the feature scope

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How can a prototype help in planning the budget for the full project?

By starting with a prototype you can better know the costs of development. UX prototypes allow you to "figure it all out", avoiding issues, scoping the most impactful features, and getting everyone aligned. A prototype will help you maximize key features and avoid potential challenges, providing a more accurate basis for estimating the budget for full development.

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